Transfer ownership
You can transfer the ownership of an organization to another member within your team. This is effectively the equivalent of transferring the primary owner role to another user.
Only the primary owner can transfer ownership of the organization. This must be done with caution because transferring ownership cannot be undone without the help of the newly assigned primary owner.
How do I transfer ownership?
To do this, head to your organization settings and select a new primary owner underneath the Transfer ownership section:
What happens after I transfer ownership?
As the current primary owner, after you transfer ownership, you will be demoted to an owner and the newly assigned member will be promoted to the primary owner of the organization.
The main contact on your subscription will be updated to reflect the email address of the new primary owner. This address is used for account level notifications and billing related emails, etc.
Finally, an email will be sent to each user account to confirm the changes have been applied.
Last updated