Journeys and steps


Journeys and steps — collectively known as the "backbone" — are a crucial part of planning in Avion. They represent the core user journeys / pages / paths that your end users take through your product.


A journey in Avion refers to the very top level card. In the above image, Registration would be a journey. You can add a journey by hovering over the journeys section and hitting Add Journey. This will appear to the right of all existing journeys.

You can add a more detailed journey description by single-clicking on the journey, which will open up a screen like this:


A journey contains any number of steps, which run horizontally from left to right under the journey card. Steps can also be single-clicked to open up a screen where additional details can be tracked.


Both journeys and steps can be dragged to reorder them. When a step is dragged, any child stories of that step will also move with it. When a journey is dragged, any child steps and stories will also move with it.

Best practice

  • Keep journey and step names short, snappy and user-focused

  • Use personas to annotate your journeys and steps and keep your end user front of mind

  • Stay focused on the task at hand by collapsing journeys that aren't relevant to the current conversation:

    • Right-click → Collapse Journey

    • Or middle-click the journey

    • Or press space bar when the journey is focused via the keyboard

  • Follow our guide on defining your product backbone:

Define your product backbone

Last updated