
Read about Avion's SSO integration with Okta.

Step 1: Choose your SSO provider

In Avion, go to your organization's Single Sign-On section. Select Okta from the list of available providers:

Step 2: Configure SSO

In Okta, from the Applications menu, create a new application:

  1. Choose the Web platform

  2. Select OpenID Connect as the sign on method

  3. Hit the Create button

On the following screen in Okta:

  1. Set the application name to Avion

  2. Copy across your specific Redirect URL from the Avion configuration form into the Application form in Okta

  3. Optionally download our Avion logo (below) and set this as the Application Logo in Okta

  4. Hit the Save button and continue

On the following screen, in Okta, copy and paste the Client ID, Client Secret, and Okta Domain into the Avion configuration form:

Finally, in Okta, edit the General Settings section, and tick the Refresh Token option in the Allowed grant types:

Then, in Okta, scroll down to the bottom and hit the Save button. Finally, in Avion, hit Save Configuration and you're done! 🎉

Last updated