January 2023
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We’re dropping one of our biggest product releases EVER today! Let’s get into it…
With our upgraded search and filter module, you can now toggle specific parts of your backbone and releases. This is a huge step forwards in our filtering functionality, allowing you to completely hide irrelevant sections of a much larger story map and reduce down into a distinct view that can be shared with your team.
What’s more, we’ve added the ability to completely hide stories that are outside of your filters. Previously, stories that didn’t match were dimmed, but this wasn’t helpful when trying to crunch down a huge story map. Now you can choose between “Hide” and “Dim” and enjoy the best of both worlds.
We recommend you read the docs to learn how to get the most out of our search and filter functionality:
Our organization members screen was sorely in need of some TLC... For organizations with lots of members, you can now manage your entire team much more easily. Sort by name, date joined, manage roles with a simple dropdown, and get a quick overview of project membership at a glance.
We’ve added settings to allow you to specify a list of projects that new organization members should automatically join after being invited to the team. More details on how to set this up are in the docs:
We’ve made some minor tweaks to improve your search experience when adding Avion links to your cards. Results will no longer be grouped by type and instead ordered entirely by their search relevance score – meaning your most likely matches will be surfaced much higher.
The restricted share links didn’t display any release information for a story, lacking crucial context. We’ve added this in, including any other releases that an alias story may be in as part of the story meta displayed at the top of the card.
We’re kicking off 2023 with a bang! Say hello to “Projects” – a whole new way to help you organize your story maps, more easily manage collaborators, and control read and write permissions per user.
Avion’s new project layer is a lightweight wrapper around a collection of story maps to help you organize things better. Each project has a team that grants access to all story maps within a project. Additionally, each project team member is assigned a project role, allowing more control over read/write permissions.
Projects is a huge enabler for Avion and helps lay the foundation for a whole suite of exciting new features this year, including shared releases and roadmapping, to name a few 😎
This release impacts how you use Avion and therefore requires some input from your organization to migrate story maps into projects. You should read our migration guide for more details on this.
If you have any questions then please reach out via our in-app web chat or email us at support@avion.io.