March 2020

10th March

Attachment Links 🎤

You can now embed live Figma, Invision (Web & Studio), Framer X, Axure and Adobe XD designs and prototypes right into your user stories! ✍️

After pasting a design tool link into Avion's new Attachment Links, Avion will automatically detect the tool in question and provide you with an integrated experience without having to leave Avion:

It's worth noting that this also works for YouTube and Vimeo links too. You can read more about the instructions for specific tools here.

3rd March

Re-import from Trello 👈

We have now added a Re-Import button that will pull any cards back wards from Trello (assuming that they are not archived). They will then be in sync as if there were pushed from Avion.


  • You can now edit and delete your own comments on user stories

  • Stories now have an easy access copy public share link on the top left:

Last updated