March 2023

24th March

Area path controls with Azure DevOps 🗂️

We’ve added support for custom area path settings per story, which means you can prepare an entire release with stories that sync to several different area paths all at the same time.

This new approach no longer requires you to commit to a specific area path at the point of setting up the integration and allows more fluid planning workflows with Azure DevOps.

For teams with existing active integrations, we’ve migrated your story maps to retain your current area path configuration via two integration settings (which you can now manage in your integration configuration panel):

1. Default area path setting

You will notice we have taken your specified area path at the time of integration setup and applied this as your default area path. This can easily be changed when needed and will apply to all new stories that have not yet been synced.

2. Custom WIQL setting

You will also notice an additional clause in your custom WIQL settings. This is to ensure that your import workflow isn’t affected. This can also be changed (or removed entirely) but please understand this could mean a significant number of work items are imported back from Azure DevOps on your next import (depending on your project and how much you utilise area paths).

14th March

Organization settings ⚙️

We've been hard at work building some new controls to allow you to configure and personalize your Avion organization. We hope you enjoy these new powers!

Just remember: with great power comes great responsibility 👴🏻

Organization path

Your organization path is unique to your organization and essentially forms the URL that you and your team uses to sign in and access Avion.

Previously, you’ve been stuck with whatever value you came up with during your initial onboarding. However, now you can change this and find a personal URL that is quick to type and easy to remember 😎

Configure your path

Transfer ownership

It’s now possible to transfer the primary owner role to another member in your team.

Previously, this could only be done with a support request. This process is now fully automated, so you don’t have to submit a ticket to our support team and wait for us to process the transfer request.

It’s much quicker for you and it means our support team can move on to solving bigger and better things. Win win 🤙

Transfer ownership

Delete your organization

Whilst goodbyes are never easy, we understand that it’s always important to have ultimate control over your data. That’s why we’ve added the option to completely delete your entire Avion organization and all data within it.

If the words "Danger zone" don't scare you enough then hopefully the big red button does. Please be advised, this is a permanent action and cannot be undone. You've been warned...

Delete your organization

2nd March

Today we have a bunch of goodies, small tweaks and bugfixes to announce... let's get to it!

Release collapsed state moved to user preferences 🚩

Previously, expanding/collapsing a release would affect the story map view for all members. We’ve moved this over to user preferences now so each member can independently toggle the collapsed state of a release without affecting anyone else’s view.

When managing a release, you’ll now see a “Hide from public share links” option towards the bottom. As this was previously controlled via the collapsed state of the release, we’ve configured this option to be hidden for any existing releases that were previously collapsed.

Additionally, you’ll also find an option to include hidden releases when running PDF and image exports.

We’ve added the option to include comments on cards in your public share links. This allows you the option to bring added context on the cards that was previously only available to users who were logged in to Avion.

This option has been disabled for all existing public share links. You can control this from the Share settings in your story map:

Improvements ⭐️

  • We’ve added a comment indicator into the meta icons for cards

    • Additionally, steps also display meta icons just like stories

  • Release dates (start/due/shipped) have been added to public share links and image/PDF exports.

  • Browser page titles didn’t update when opening card details. This will now reflect the name of the card that is currently open.

Bugs 🐞

  • Requesting an invalid card URL on public share links resulted in a blank screen. The white screen of death is no more...

  • The shortcut panel displayed an old keyboard combination for saving card descriptions. Naturally, it now shows the correct combination 💪

  • Middle-clicking on release names to expand/collapse releases has been restored

Last updated