May 2021

26th May

Favorite and search your story maps 🌟

You can now right-click a story map from the dashboard and favorite it. This will add the story map to your favorites section at the top. You can also type any part of a story map name into the search field and your list of story maps will be filtered right in front of your eyes!


  • Added support for base64 encoded images in markdown text areas

  • A few small performance and stability tweaks

  • Code snippets now look much nicer in markdown text areas


  • Fixed a bug where large imports from GitHub were not working

  • Fixed a bug where importing from Trello sometimes failed

  • Stopped a "jumpy" effect when dragging steps and journeys whilst scrolled

18th May

Public share links are such a handy way to get immediate feedback on your story map, but sometimes you need a little security along with the convenience.

Now you can password protect your public share links directly from the new Share modal. Anyone who has your link and enters a valid password will gain access for 30 minutes. Afterwards, they will need to re-enter the password for any subsequent requests.


  • Display long story map names better from the dashboard

  • Fixed a comment display bug where usernames with underscores caused weirdness

  • Fixed a bug where sometimes drag and dropping of stories would just completely stop working

  • Hide context menu on journeys when editing

  • Fixed some styling issues on public share links

  • Fixed a step number issue on public share links


  • Added A/Cs to public share links when synced to ADO

  • Allow dismissal of temporary notifications

  • Few minor performance tweaks to drag and drop

7th May

Single Sign-On (SSO) 🔐

We are happy to announce that Avion now supports single sign-on as a method of authenticating and managing your organization members. Tired of logging into multiples services every time? Want to make your Avion organization more secure with 2FA? Ditch those awkward login screens and start using SSO now!

We have initially baked in support for two of the most popular identity providers: Azure AD and Okta. If you would like to start using SSO but need support for a different SSO provider, get in touch via our web chat and let us know. We'll be rolling out support for other providers and your feedback will help us prioritise 🤓

Full documentation on the benefits of single sign-on, along with how to configure and setup SSO below:

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Last updated