September 2023

30th September

We've got a huge set of changes for you for this release. Starting with the biggest upgrade to our Jira integration since we launched it.

Jira integration 2.0

When we've spoken to customers that use our Jira integration in the past, we've commonly heard the two following issues:

  • We want to track bugs and other things in Avion too

  • We want Avion stories to sync to Jira epics

Well, we decided to take these requests and combine this into a really powerful way of working. In this latest release, Avion stories are no longer mapped to a single issue type in Jira (such as a story), but instead can be mapped to multiple. You can then select—at the time of pushing the story—which issue type it should be pushed as.

See the new issue type selector on the right:

In practice this means that Avion stories can now sync as:

  • Epics

  • Stories

  • Bugs

  • Tasks

  • Any other custom issue type

This opens up so many potential workflows! You can now quite literally create an epic map 👏. Please let us know your feedback on this feature.

Release icons

You can now add beautiful icons or emoji to your release names! This is super useful as you can understand your releases at a glance. This is also going to work in tandem with our new roadmapping feature — coming soon.

Quick journey, step, release switcher

You can now quickly change a story's journey/step or release from the story itself 🙌.

Improved attachment navigation

You can now use the arrows to quickly navigate through your list of attachments. This also works by pressing ← and → on your keyboard. This also works for dynamic embeds, like Figma.

Push to integrations from multi-select

You can now select multiple stories and selectively push them to integrations. As a reminder, you can multi-select stories by Cmd/Ctrl clicking stories, or by holding Cmd/Ctrl and/or Shift whilst navigating with the arrow keys.

Assign tags from multi-select

You can also now select multiple stories to apply one or more tags to.

Bugfixes 🪲

  • Exiting Trello and Azure DevOps integration setups now provides a warning

  • You will now receive a warning when an org invite fails to reach your recipient's email

Last updated